draw_sw draws stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial (SW-CRT) design diagrams that can be exported in .docx, .png, and .pptx formats.

draw_sw(design         = design_sw(),
        cp_contents    = design,
        row_names      = FALSE,
        col_names      = FALSE,
        combine_rows   = FALSE,
        merge_cols     = FALSE,
        xlab           = "Time period",
        ylab           = "Cluster",
        cp_text_colour = "black",
        make           = "print",
        filename       = "swcrt")



A SW-CRT design (i.e., information on the planned roll-out) to draw a diagram for. Must be either a data.frame or a matrix. Defaults to design_sw().


Values to add to the cluster-period cells in the produced diagram; modify this when cluster-period cells should contain details on something other than the intervention condition. Must be either a data.frame or a matrix. Defaults to design.


A logical variable, indicating whether the row names in the produced diagram should be taken from design or constructed internally. Defaults to FALSE.


A logical variable, indicating whether the column names in the produced diagram should be taken from design or constructed internally. Defaults to FALSE.


A named (see names) character vector, giving the fill colours to add to the cluster-period cells for each of the intervention conditions. Specified internally by default.


A logical variable, indicating whether to combine rows that have identical sequences in the produced diagram. Defaults to FALSE.


A logical variable, indicating whether to merge across columns when adjacent cluster-period cells have the same intervention condition in the produced diagram. Defaults to FALSE.


A character string, giving the label for the x-axis in the produced diagram. Defaults to "Time period".


A character string, giving the label for the y-axis in the produced diagram. Defaults to "Cluster".


A character string, giving the colour to use for the text in the cluster-period cells in the produced diagram. Defaults to "black".


A named (see names) character vector, giving information to include an intervention key. Not produced by default.


A named (see names) character vector, giving information to include a time period key. Not produced by default.


A character vector, giving the (potentially multiple) types of output (export) that are desired. Can include "print" (view within R), "docx" (save a .docx MS Word file), "png" (save a .png file), and "pptx" (save a .pptx MS PowerPoint file). Defaults to "print".


A character string, giving the filename to use for any files that are to be saved. Defaults to "swcrt".


A list containing the following elements:

  • A flextable in the slot $table_design containing the constructed SW-CRT diagram.

  • A flextable in the slot $table_interventions containing the constructed key summarising the various intervention states. Will be NULL if input key_interventions is not specified.

  • A flextable in the slot $table_time_periods containing the constructed key summarising the various time periods. Will be NULL if input key_time_periods is not specified.

  • A list in the slot $inputs containing each of the input variables.


More details on each of the input variables can be found in the package vignette.

See also


Michael J Grayling (michael.grayling@newcastle.ac.uk)


# The default is to draw a 'standard' SW-CRT design, with four clusters and # five time periods default_draw <- draw_sw()
#> a flextable object. #> col_keys: `Cluster`, `i`, `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5` #> header has 1 row(s) #> body has 4 row(s) #> original dataset sample: #> Cluster i 1 2 3 4 5 #> 1 Cluster 1 0 1 1 1 1 #> 2 Cluster 2 0 0 1 1 1 #> 3 Cluster 3 0 0 0 1 1 #> 4 Cluster 4 0 0 0 0 1
# Specify a more complex design, where all clusters begin in the intervention # condition, there is an unequal number of clusters who switch per time # period, and there are two trailing extra time periods with all clusters in # the intervention condition. Also modify the row and column names complex_design <- design_sw(clusters_per_time_period = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0), row_names = paste("Cluster", 1:8), col_names = paste("Time period", 1:6)) # Pass this to draw_sw(), producing .docx, .png, and .pptx files, merging # columns, and combining rows if (FALSE) { complex_draw <- draw_sw(complex_design, combine_rows = TRUE, merge_cols = TRUE, make = c("docx", "png", "pptx", "print")) }